
National Theater. Sustainable?

13. 5. 2024 | 17:00

Tamara Čuříková - Deputy for Conception, Transformation and Development of the National Theatre - Helena Vonková - Head of the Marketing Department of the National Theatre - Martin Kukučka (SKUTR) - theatre director, artistic director of the Drama Department of the National Theatre - Vanda Šípová - musical accompanist, guest of the National Theatre Opera and the State Opera

The event is held in cooperation with the National Theatre and Opera Nova Festival.
Refreshments are provided by the sustainable bistro Green Table.



The premiere of Le Grand Macabre is coming soon on the stage of the State Opera!

The Opera Nova Festival is an extraordinary undertaking of the National Theatre Opera and the State Opera. It brings to Prague not only a number of excellent opera novelties, but also an innovative festival concept that aims to connect opera with other types of modern art and themes that move the contemporary world.

Francouzský institut a Festival Opera Nova uvádějí speciální večer věnovaný György Ligetimu se dvěma dokumentárními filmy

Pocta Gyögy Ligetimu | Kino 35, Francouzský institut

Přijďte dnes večer do kina na Ligetiho!

První doprovodná akce festivalu Opera Nova 2024!

Vážný zájem ve Státní opeře